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Posted by on Aug 9, 2014 in General | 0 comments

Good is Better than Best

One of my bosses said this to me once – Good is Better than Best. It took me a while to understand this word puzzle. But once it clicked, I haven’t forgotten it is 10 years.

This was said as a remark to my quest for perfection. I had been working on a report that was to be sent to our German partners. It had taken me three days to create that report and with just a couple of hours before the scheduled opening time of German offices, I was still not comfortable with the output. Thats when my boss taught me the values of time, commitment and the virtues of sometimes doing a shoddy job just to keep up on the first too. A similar thing is playing here in this blog. I have thinking of creating this blog for the past three years. Finally I managed to get this started but then it took me a full week to get my first blog in.

Mr. Arvind Walia, this is one of the best things you ever taught me.

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Posted by on Aug 4, 2014 in General | 0 comments

Introducing 28 Factors

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my blog! This is just an introductory post so I’ll keep it short and sweet.

I decided to start a blog because I want to share my knowledge with the world and learn from others’ experiences. I believe that one life is too short to personally feel and enjoy all that life has to offer and the only way out is to share our learnings and experiences with others.

Over the next few months I plan to be writing and sharing posts about almost anything and everything under the sun. I have diverse interests and may share my thoughts at random… almost as random as they build up.

That’s it for now! If you’d like to be kept updated with my posts “Like” this post or subscribe to my blog.

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